§ 47-37A.8. ID criteria.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the criteria outlined herein, the following additional development criteria shall apply:


    Land uses within the development shall be appropriate in their proposed location, compatible with their relationship to each other, and with uses and activities on abutting and nearby properties; and


    While a mix of uses is encouraged, uses that create an inherent negative impact, such as excessive noise, odors, pollution, dust, or similar effects on adjacent uses shall be avoided. Generally, residential, office, hotel, restaurant, retail and other community-serving uses provide opportunities for successful combinations that help to create a vibrant and dynamic living environment with a variety of destinations offering goods and services in close proximity; and


    Where a proposed use is of larger scale and mass than existing adjacent uses, the design of the structure shall place significant consideration to transition, architectural articulation, superior lining with habitable space and screening of parking garage structures; effective transition between higher and lower density uses; or allow incompatible adjacent land uses to be developed in a manner that is not possible using a conventional zoning approach; and


    Street sections shall provide ample pedestrian access with continuous sidewalks and shade tree canopy balancing parking requirements with other mobility options and promote shared access between properties and uses; and


    Street and alley vacations shall not be considered unless the applicant demonstrates no decrease to the pedestrian and functional connectivity previously provided and increases options for pedestrian and/or multimodal connectivity.

(Ord. No. C-13-42, § 2, 10-1-13 )