§ 47-37A.9. ID public improvement examples.  

Latest version.
  • The proposed ID zoning ordinance shall promote development that demonstrates substantial, significant and recognizable improvements and a long-term beneficial effect to the neighboring community and the city as a whole. Examples of the noted public improvements can include:


    Preservation/reuse of historically significant structures not otherwise protected;


    Provision of a walkable mixed use neighborhood center that can reduce driving requirements for existing residential neighborhoods including incorporation of complete streets criteria in streetscape design; parking requirements may be reduced proportionally to the degree that reduced parking is justified by multi-modal connectivity as an alternative to vehicular trips;


    Superior architectural design, placement and orientation of buildings and attainment of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - Neighborhood Development (LEED ND) certification for the development or LEED certification of individual buildings and/or other similar state, national or city-recognized programs;


    Provision of public facilities and public open space such as plazas, parks, provision for waterfront public access, greenway features, etc. and may include amenities such as playgrounds, special event space, etc. where the quality and programming of the space shall be emphasized over quantity;


    Landscaping shall be provided in a manner which maximizes tree canopy, emphasizes native vegetation, improves the aesthetic appearance, and provides opportunities for storm water infiltration;


    Preservation or restoration of environmental or natural resources that would not otherwise be protected, including environmental remediation/brownfield redevelopment.

( Ord. No. C-13-42, § 2, 10-1-13 )