§ 47-20.4. Location of parking facilities and loading zones.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Parking restrictions on-site.


    Parking shall not be permitted in the landscape buffer as required pursuant to Section 47-25.3, Neighborhood Compatibility Requirements.


    No parking except driveways providing access to a right-of-way facility shall be permitted in any yard which fronts on a trafficway which is subject to the Specific Location Requirements, Interdistrict Corridor Requirements as specified in Section 47-23.9.


    Distance from use served.


    The off-street parking facilities required by the ULDR shall be located on the same lot or parcel of land that such facilities are intended to serve, except as provided in this subsection.


    All or a portion of required parking may be located upon an off-site parcel of land as follows:


    For a house of worship the off-street parking facility may be located within four hundred (400) feet measured along a safe pedestrian path, as defined in subsection B.2.d from the nearest property line of the parcel it is intended to serve.


    For self parking except a house of worship, the off-street parking area may be located within seven hundred (700) feet measured along a safe pedestrian path, as defined in subsection B.2.d, from the nearest property line of the parcel it is intended to serve.


    For valet parking the off-street parking may be located within seven hundred (700) feet as measured by airline measurement of the nearest property line of the premises it is intended to serve but may not cross a right-of-way with a paved area of six (6) lanes or more, except State Road A-1-A, nor a waterway more than seventy-five (75) feet in width.


    As used in the ULDR, a safe pedestrian path shall be defined as a path which follows public sidewalks or walkways with a minimum four-foot width; includes either designated crosswalks or street crossings with stop signs or traffic signals at street intersection crossings; if there is a waterway, railroad track or other barrier along the path and has a pedestrian overpass crossing same; and is uninterrupted by a right-of-way with a paved area of six (6) lanes or more, except State Road A-1-A.


    Approval of an off-site, off-street parking facility may be granted by the department subject to the following conditions:


    Parking is located upon property where it is a permissible use under the ULDR;


    Parking shall be designed and maintained in accordance with all provisions of the ULDR; and


    An agreement is entered into in accordance with Section 47-20.18.


    The approval of an off-site parking agreement by the department shall not be effective nor shall a building permit be issued for a use or parking facility until thirty (30) days after approval, and then only if no motion is adopted by the city commission seeking to review the approval as provided in Section 47-26B, Appeals.


    Denial of an off-street parking agreement may be appealed by the applicant within the thirty (30) day period in accordance with Section 47-26B, Appeals.


    Zoning and land use areas where parking is permitted.


    Required or permitted parking for residential uses shall be located as follows:


    On an area with the same zoning designation as the parcel of land that the parking is to intended to serve; or


    On an area with a zoning designation which permits a residential density greater than that permitted on the parcel which the parking is intended to serve; or


    On an area zoned for commercial or industrial uses.


    Required or permitted parking for all uses other than residential shall be located on a parcel of land as follows:


    On an area with the same designation as shown on the land use plan as the parcel of land that the parking is intended to serve; or


    On an area with a different land use designation than the parcel intended to be served if the parcel to be used for parking is not designated residential in the plan and not residentially zoned, is contiguous to the parcel it will serve and said parcel does not extend more than one hundred fifty (150) feet into the different land use designated area or is located within the Downtown RAC. If the area proposed for parking is contiguous to residential property then the proposed parking facility must meet the criteria and be reviewed in accordance with the process provided for an exclusive use parking facility as provided in Section 47-9, X-Exclusive Use District; or


    On an area zoned exclusive use for parking.


    Disabled/handicapped parking location.


    The provision, reservation and location of vehicular use disabled/handicapped parking spaces and handicapped passenger loading zones shall be governed by F.S. §§ 316.1955, 316.1956 and 553.48 and the "Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction," which requirements shall be available from the department.


    Disabled/handicapped parking space requirements shall not be in addition to the number of required spaces, but shall be counted as spaces which satisfy required parking.


    All required signs which identify disabled/handicapped parking spaces shall indicate the amount of fine assessed for illegal parking in the disabled/handicapped space.


    Loading zones.


    Loading zones shall be provided as required in Section 47-20.2, Table of Parking and Loading Zone Requirements, and located on the same parcel of land that the loading zone is intended to serve, whether parking is provided on-site or off-site.

(Ord. No. C-97-19, § 1(47-20.4), 6-18-97)