§ 47-23.9. Interdistrict corridor requirements.  

Latest version.
  • The intent of this section is to promote a spatial framework that creates an environment supportive of pedestrian and multi-modal transportation options, while maintaining sufficient landscape area to support proper shade tree growth and sustainability along certain corridors that are currently accommodating, or are intended to accommodate, intensive pedestrian traffic or which serve as major pedestrian streets and major vehicular entryways, or major gateways into the city. In addition this section shall provide criteria that allows for more flexibility in placement of buildings and associated elements including pedestrian access to amenities, creating a frontage that ensures an active and superior pedestrian environment that develops over time, while supporting the visual appearance and use of the corridors. This criteria shall encourage design of the area between the building and the street to permit direct pedestrian access from the sidewalk and allow amenities such as seating areas, shade structures, plaza elements and open space to support and animate the public realm, while permitting viable development and redevelopment that places priority on the pedestrian and maintains adequate vehicular access and circulation.


    A twenty-foot yard shall be required for any development on property which abuts one (1) of the following rights-of-way. No parking shall be permitted within the required yard unless specified herein.


    North Federal Highway—between Sunrise Boulevard and the northern city limits.


    East Sunrise Boulevard—between Federal Highway and one hundred (100) feet east of Bayview Drive.


    S.E. 17th Street—between Federal Highway and Eisenhower Boulevard.


    The following shall be permitted within the twenty-foot yard:




    Outdoor dining;


    Enhanced pedestrian amenities such as, but not limited to: plazas, benches, shade structures, pedestrian access, bus shelters, bicycle racks, multi-modal pathways.


    The Planning and Zoning Board shall upon written application for site plan level III approval, as provided for in Section 47-24.2, Development permits and procedures, consider a request to modify the required twenty-foot landscape yard provided, however, that the following additional criteria for such approval is met:


    By adjusting the location of the structure on the site, an architectural and/or engineering study can graphically demonstrate that a superior site development will result from such adjustment; or


    By adjusting the location of the structure there is continuity of architectural features with adjacent properties which encourages public pedestrian interaction between the proposed development and the public sidewalk; or


    By adjusting the location of the structure there is a demonstrable urban scale in terms of height, proximity to the street front and pedestrian sidewalks and relationship to building size to the lot size.


    The following shall apply to development on property abutting State Road 84 lying between the west line of Federal Highway and the east line of Interstate 95.


    Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following terms and words shall have the meanings herein prescribed unless the context clearly requires otherwise:


    Building line. Shall mean a line along the face of the building wall closest to and facing State Road 84 and extending to the side property lines.


    Curb line. Shall mean a line on the edge of a curb closest to the roadway pavement or where no curb exists, from the edge of the roadway pavement closest to the development site.




    Build-to line. A minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the linear frontage of a development site along State Road 84 shall be occupied by a ground floor building wall located twenty (20) feet from the curb line. The department can approve a modification to the seventy-five percent (75%) requirement to permit one (1) two-way drive aisle with a single row of parking perpendicular to State Road 84, the parking to be at least twenty (20) feet from curbline; the dimension of such parking spaces to be no greater than those specified in the Table of Parking Geometrics listed in Section 47-20.11.A.


    First floor transparency. A minimum of thirty-five percent (35%) of the first floor facade of a building facing State Road 84 shall utilize transparent elements such as windows, doors and other fenestration.


    Awnings, canopies, arcades. Awnings, canopies or arcades shall be provided over all doors, windows and other transparent elements required pursuant to subsection b. of this section.


    Sidewalk. A minimum five-foot wide unobstructed sidewalk shall be installed between the curb line and building line at least four (4) feet from the curbline. The sidewalk shall run parallel to State Road 84, along the entire length of the development site and connect to an existing sidewalk, if any, on the abutting properties. If a sidewalk exists that meets all the requirements provided herein except the width requirement or is located closer than four (4) feet from the curbline, it may be used to meet the requirements of this section provided it is in good condition as determined by the city engineer.


    Pedestrian connection. Pedestrian access shall be provided between the principal entrance of a building and the sidewalk required pursuant to subsection d. of this subsection B.2. of a type and location approved by the department.


    Fencing. A fence may be located between a building line and State Road 84 but shall not exceed a maximum of six (6) feet, six (6) inches in height, at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the fence shall be non-opaque and shall be subject to all other requirements of Section 47-19.5, Fences, walls and hedges. A wall shall not be permitted between the building line and State Road 84.


    Street trees. Street trees as defined by Section 47-21.2, Landscaping and tree preservation, shall be provided along the development site fronting on State Road 84 in accordance with the following:


    Shade or flowering canopy trees shall be installed to create a continuous canopy at maturity, spaced at intervals approved by the landscape plans examiner based upon the species so that normal growth and aesthetic appearance shall not be impaired. At the time of installation shade or flowering canopy trees shall be at least fourteen (14) feet in height, have an eight-foot spread and a minimum six-foot ground clearance and installed, within twelve (12) feet from the curbline fronting State Road 84 or as otherwise directed by FDOT and in accordance with Section 47-21.6. If existing or proposed physical conditions such as existing overhead power lines could impair the proper growth of the shade tree or canopy as determined by the landscape plans examiner, non-shade or ornamental trees may be planted in accordance with the provisions herein.


    If non-shade or ornamental trees are permitted to be planted as approved by the landscape plans examiner the trees shall be spaced at twenty-five-foot intervals. At the time of installation, non-shade or ornamental trees shall be at least ten (10) feet in height, have a six-foot spread and a minimum of six-foot ground clearance and installed twelve (12) feet from the curb line fronting State Road 84, or as otherwise directed by FDOT and in accordance with Section 47-21.6.


    The location of the trees may be modified by the landscape plans examiner based on the location and size of an existing sidewalk that is not required to be replaced as described in subsection d.


    Landscaping. Landscaping consisting of a combination of hedges and groundcover of varying species shall be provided in front of all opaque building wall sections of the first floor facade facing State Road 84.


    VUA. No parking or vehicular use area except driveways providing access to a right-of-way shall be permitted on the development site within twenty (20) feet of the curb line.


    Exception to State Road 84 Interdistrict Corridor requirements.


    Development sites located on State Road 84 proposed to be developed with the front of a building facing and having access onto Federal Highway are exempt from the requirements of subsection B.2.a, b, c and e. The landscape plans examiner may modify the requirements of B.2.g to permit non-shade trees in certain locations to maintain visibility and promote safety.


    Double-fronted, triangular shaped parcels located on State Road 84 are exempt from B.2.a, b, c and i, but must provide the following:


    A minimum average fifteen-foot wide landscape area no less than three-foot wide at any one point shall be installed along the entire State Road 84 street frontage between the building line and the sidewalk required pursuant to B.2.d consisting of a variety of planting materials; and


    In addition to the street trees required as provided in B.2.g., an additional row of trees shall be installed and evenly distributed in the landscape area required in subsection B.3.b.i. so that the trees are installed on both sides of the sidewalk. When the site plan configuration, FDOT standards or other regulations preclude these trees from being located entirely along State Road 84, they shall be located around the perimeter of the development site, with the maximum number of trees possible located along State Road 84, as determined by the department.


    Developments located on State Road 84 west of S.W. 9th Avenue shall have an option to meet the following requirements in lieu of B.2.a, b and c:


    A minimum average fifteen-foot wide landscape area no less than three-foot wide at any one point shall be installed along the State Road 84 street frontage between the building and sidewalk required pursuant to B.2.d. consisting of a variety of planting materials; and


    In addition to the street trees required as provided in B-2.g., an additional row of trees shall be installed and evenly distributed in the landscape area required in subsection B.3.c.ii. so that the trees are installed on both sides of the sidewalk. When the site plan configuration, FDOT standards or other regulations preclude these trees from being located entirely along State Road 84, they shall be located around the perimeter of the development site, with the maximum number of trees possible located along State Road 84, as determined by the department; and


    An additional minimum three-foot wide meandering pedestrian pathway shall be provided in the landscaped area pursuant to B.3.c.i.


    Non-conforming structure. If a structure on a development site is non-conforming based solely on the regulations provided in this Section 47-23.9., notwithstanding the provisions of Section 47-3.5, Change in use, the use of such structure may be changed to a use that has a greater operational activity or requires greater parking requirements if such use is permitted within the zoning district where the property is located and otherwise meets all other ULDR requirements, subject to applicant complying with the regulations provided herein to the greatest extent possible without requiring structural alteration to the principal structure. The regulations provided in this subsection 47-23.9.B. shall be applied to the development site in the following order of priority; street trees, sidewalk improvements, landscape area and architectural elements. Approval of the changed use as described in this subsection 4 shall be subject to a site plan level I review.

(Ord. No. C-97-19, § 1(47-23.9), 6-18-97; Ord. No. C-02-32, § 1, 10-15-02; Ord. No. C-14-21, § 1, 5-6-14 )