§ 47-37A.6. Application requirements.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the application requirements for a rezoning and a site plan level IV permit in accordance with 47-24.2. and 47-24.4., the following shall be submitted as a part of an application for ID:


    An ID written narrative describing the proposed ID, which includes:


    The general design concept for the ID including, but not limited to, the proposed site design, how it integrates and relates to the proposed uses, context and existing development in the surrounding community;


    Description of the innovative design aspects of the proposed ID and how the proposed development complies with the intent and purpose of the ID district described in Subsection 47-37A.1.; and


    Identification of those aspects of the ID that are not in compliance with the current zoning requirements, and why the proposal presents a better overall project describing said benefits, and proposed ID's innovative characteristics.


    A context plan of the surrounding land area, inclusive of right-of-ways, waterways and other public spaces, indicating proposed development and outline of all nearby properties with structures outlined, uses and approximate heights labeled (in floors), including existing setbacks, drive isle(s), and sidewalk(s) dimensions.


    The number and type of dwelling units, and square footage of all proposed uses and buildings on site, including dwelling unit per net acre calculations.


    A description of how the proposed ID meets adequacy requirements as provided in Section 47-25.2.


    A description of the proposed phasing of construction of the ID, if applicable, identifying the general schedule and specific improvements associated with each phase, the estimated start date, an estimated completion date, and shall be in accordance with the provisions for site plan expiration as provided in Section 47-24.1.M. The completion of all public improvements must be secured by a bond to be provided by the applicant, including a demolition bond to permit any unfinished phase to be demolished by the city.


    Aerial oblique perspectives of the project in context with adjacent properties and surroundings from opposing views, showing clear and accurate three-dimensional views in context with the surrounding area, and indicating building outlines.

( Ord. No. C-13-42, § 2, 10-1-13 )