§ 47-37A.14. Effect of ID zoning.  

Latest version.
  • The ID site plan and design narrative as provided in Section 47-37A.1.a. and b., as approved by the city commission including such conditions as necessary to ensure that the development meets the criteria of this section, shall, upon adoption by ordinance, be the specific zoning regulations for the property rezoned thereby and bind the property with the full force and effect of specific zoning regulations. The ordinance rezoning to ID shall be recorded in the public records of Broward County at applicant's expense. Unless otherwise provided in the approved ID zoning district ordinance, the provisions of the ULDR with general applicability to development within the city shall apply as requirements of the development of property rezoned to ID. Any provision of an approved ID zoning district shall prevail when any provision elsewhere in the ULDR shall conflict.

( Ord. No. C-13-42, § 2, 10-1-13 )