§ 47-37.7. Criteria.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the criteria provided for a rezoning approval as provided in Section 47-24.4 and the site plan level IV criteria provided in Section 47-24.2 the following additional development criteria shall apply:


    There are unique aspects of the proposed PUD that achieve the intent and purpose of a PUD as described in paragraph 47-37.1 of this section and a clear reason why the proposed development could not be developed under a traditional zoning district.


    The proposed site and use meet the conditions and criteria provided in this Section 47-37.


    The site design, including yards, setbacks, landscaping and open space shall be compatible with the surrounding area in accordance with Section 47-25.3 A.3.e.i.


    The height, bulk, shadow, mass and design of any structure located on the site shall be compatible with surrounding area in accordance with Section 47-25.3.A.3.e.i.


    Land uses within the development shall be appropriate in their proposed location, compatible with their relationship to each other, and in their relationship with uses and activities on abutting and nearby properties.


    The development shall have a long-term beneficial effect both upon the area of the city in which it is proposed to be established and upon the city as a whole. Long-term benefits shall include but are not limited to improvements to vehicular and pedestrian circulation, implementation of the goals, policies and objectives of the city plan, and to city adopted redevelopment and neighborhood master plans. The applicant shall provide a narrative describing these benefits, together with supporting documentation, to document the stated benefits.


    The criteria provided in Section 47-20.3.A.5., Reductions and Exemptions, shall be applicable to a request to reduce the parking requirement as provided in Sec. 47-37.6.B.


    Areas proposed for common ownership shall be subject to a maintenance agreement.

(Ord. No. C-02-35, § 1, 11-19-02)