§ 47-37.1. Intent and purpose.  

Latest version.
  • The planned unit development (PUD) zoning district is intended to provide locations that allow development incorporating planning initiatives that achieve unique or innovative development that is not otherwise permitted under traditional zoning districts and development standards. These planning initiatives may include (a) efforts to reintegrate the components of modern life including housing, workplace, shopping and recreation into compact, pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use neighborhoods linked by transit or pedestrian linkages or both set in a larger regional open space framework; (b) promotion of development that (1) encourages interaction with the street and with neighboring properties; (2) uses land resources more efficiently through compact building forms, infill development, and moderation in street and parking standards in order to lessen land consumption and preserve natural resources; (3) supports the location of stores, offices, residences, schools, recreation spaces, and other public facilities within walking distance of each other in compact neighborhoods that are designed to provide alternate opportunities for easier movement and interaction; (4) provides a variety of housing choices to create a diverse community; (5) supports walking, cycling, and transit as attractive alternatives to driving; provides alternative routes that disperse, rather than concentrate, traffic congestion; and lowers traffic speeds in neighborhoods; (6) connects infrastructure and development decisions to minimize future costs by creating neighborhoods where more people use existing services and facilities; and by integrating development and land use with transit routes and stations; and (7) improves the development standards review process and development standards so that developers are encouraged to apply the principles stated above.

    The standards and procedures of this district are intended to promote flexibility of design and permit planned diversification and integration of uses and structures, while at the same time establishing limitations and regulations as deemed necessary to be consistent with the city's comprehensive plan and to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the public.

    This section is only applicable to development applications on property entirely within a PUD zoning district as of the effective date of this section. No applications for rezoning to PUD for parcels of land designated as any other zoning district shall be accepted or processed.

(Ord. No. C-02-35, § 1, 11-19-02; Ord. No. C-13-42, § 1, 10-1-13 )