§ 47-39.A.15. Signs.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose, intent and scope. The purpose of this article is to create the framework for a comprehensive but balanced system of sign control for property located in Section 47-39.A. It is the intention of this section to develop specific sign criteria which:


    Are compatible with their surroundings;


    Are legible under circumstances in which they are seen;


    Are expressive of the identity of individual businesses or organizations or the community as a whole;


    Promote the aesthetic appearance of the community.


    Definitions. In addition to terms defined in article II of this chapter, the following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.

    Abandoned sign: Any sign, except a billboard sign, which no longer pertains to any person, organization, product, service, activity or business located on or available at the premises where such sign is displayed; any sign, except a billboard sign, which no longer contains a message and/or any sign in a state of disrepair.

    Aggregate frontage:


    Interior plots: The actual lineal street frontage;


    Through plots: The total actual lineal street frontage on both streets;


    Corner plots: The sum of the straight line lineal distances along both streets extended beyond corner chords, radius and turn lanes to the point of intersection;


    Interrupted corner plots: The sum of the actual street frontages exclusive of outparcels.

    Area of sign: The total area of each sign face, which may be used to display copy, including background, but not including the frame and structural supporting elements. Where a sign is composed of individual letters, characters or symbols applied directly to a building, canopy, marquee, mansard, fascia, facade, parapet, awning, wall or fence, the area of the sign shall be the smallest rectangle, triangle or circle which will enclose all of the letters, characters or symbols. The area of a double-faced sign shall be the total area of each sign face.

    Awning or umbrella: A shelter made of fabric, plastic, vinyl or other non-rigid material supported by a metal frame.

    Awning sign: A sign that is painted, stitched, stamped, perforated, painted or otherwise affixed to an awning or umbrella.

    Building frontage: The wall extending the length of the building or lease lines of any building, the legal use of which is one (1) of commercial or industrial enterprise and including the location of public entrance(s) to the establishment.

    Building wall sign: A sign where its entire area is displayed upon or attached to any part of the exterior of a building wall, facade or parapet, approximately parallel to and not more than twelve (12) inches from the face of the wall upon which it is displayed or attached.

    Canopy or marquee: A permanent, unenclosed shelter attached to and extending from a building or a freestanding permanent shelter.

    Canopy sign: A sign that is painted on or otherwise affixed to the fascia of a canopy, marquee or mansard roof.

    Changeable copy sign: A sign upon which the copy can be changed either manually, electronically or by any other method through the use of attachable letters, numbers, symbols or changeable pictorial panels, and other similar characters, or through internal rotating or moveable parts which can change the visual message without altering the sign face.

    Contractor sign : A temporary sign identifying those engaged in construction or remodeling on a building site.

    Copy: The linguistic or graphic content of a sign, either in permanent or removable form.

    Directional sign: An identification sign, with or without a directional arrow, designed to direct the public to a facility or service or to direct and control traffic, such as entrance and exit signs.

    Disrepair (sign): A state of neglect or dilapidation to the extent that: (1) the message of the sign has become obliterated, unreadable or indiscernible and has remained in such a state for at least one hundred twenty (120) days; or (2) approximately twenty-five (25) percent or more of the structural components of the sign are in a visibly bent, broken, leaning or otherwise dilapidated condition.

    Double-faced sign: A sign with two (2) sign faces which are parallel to each other and back to back.

    Election-related sign: A sign relating to any election is scheduled to be held. This includes, but is not limited to, signs advertising candidates, referendums or any campaign information.

    Embellishment: An extension of the sign face which contains a portion of the message or informative content and which is added, modified or removed when the message is changed.

    Facade: That portion of any exterior building elevation extending from grade to the top of the parapet wall or eaves along the entire width of the business establishment building frontage.

    Fascia: The flat, outside horizontal member of a cornice, roof, soffit, canopy or marquee.

    Fence or freestanding wall sign: A sign attached to and erected parallel to the face of or painted on a fence or freestanding wall and supported solely by such fence or freestanding wall.

    Flag: A piece of fabric, often attached to a staff, containing distinctive colors, patterns or symbols.

    Freestanding sign: Any self-supported sign not attached or affixed in any way to a building or other structure.

    Frontage: The total distance along any plot line abutting a street.

    Garage sale sign: A sign to indicate the sale of personal property by the person or family conducting the sale in, at or upon residentially zoned or residentially used property.

    General information sign: A sign providing information on the location of facilities or a warning to the public regarding the premises where the sign is located.

    Graphic sign: A sign, which is an integral part of the building facade in that it is carved in, or otherwise permanently embedded in the facade.

    Hanging sign: A sign hung or suspended from a freestanding wood or metal frame, such frame being not higher than five (5) feet, nor wider than three (3) feet.

    Height of sign: All other freestanding signs: Height shall be measured from the elevation of the sidewalk adjacent to the sign location to the top of the sign. In the event no sidewalk exists, height shall be measured from the crown of the right-of-way at its closest point to the sign location.

    Holiday or seasonal sign: Temporary lighting, garlands, wreaths or other decorations relating to a particular regional or nationally recognized holiday.

    Illuminated sign: Any sign having characters, letters, figures, designs or outlines illuminated by electric lights or luminous tubes designed for that purpose, whether or not said lights or tubes are physically attached to the sign.

    Individual letter sign: A sign made of self-contained letters that are mounted on the face of a building, parapet, canopy, marquee or secured to a freestanding wall, fence or other structure.

    Interior sign: Any sign inside a building which is not clearly visible from and not intended to be seen from the exterior of the building.

    Internal illumination: A light source concealed or contained within the sign which becomes visible by shining through a translucent surface.

    Item of information: Each syllable, symbol, abbreviation, broken plane or discontinued odd shape located in any one (1) sign, excluding logos.

    Logo: A sign consisting only of a symbol used to signify or represent an organization, corporation, business, service or product, whether registered or not.

    Mansard roof (or wall): A false roof projecting over the front of a building; a sloping section of an exterior wall above the roof line of a building at an angle with the exterior wall from which it extends. It may be covered with roofing material to simulate a roof, but serves as an aesthetic rather than functional purpose.

    Model sign: A sign which designates a particular dwelling unit design which is not for sale, but rather represents other units of a similar design that are for sale.

    Monument: A freestanding, self-supporting structure, other than a pole, which is placed directly on the ground, with no visible means of support, the primary purpose of which is to display a sign.

    Monument sign: A sign attached to, painted on, or otherwise made part of a monument.

    Mural: A graphic, artistic representation painted on a wall, not including graffiti, which contains no advertisement or relationship to any product, service or activity provided, offered or available on the premises.

    Neon sign: A sign formed by luminous or gaseous tubes in any configuration.

    Nonconforming sign: A sign or advertising structure which was lawfully erected and maintained prior to the current provisions of this code regulating signs, which by its height, type, square foot area, location, use or structural support does not conform to the requirements of this article.

    Nonilluminated sign: A sign, which has no source of artificial or person-made illumination either directly or indirectly.

    Off-premises sign: A sign, which directs attention to a business, commodity, service, product or activity not conducted, sold, offered or available on the premises where such sign is located.

    Outdoor event sign: A temporary sign identifying an outdoor event, which is of general interest to the community.

    Panel sign: A sign having the sign face or faces supported between two (2) columns or poles, with no open area between such columns or poles and the sign face(s).

    Parapet: A false front or wall extension above the roof line of a building.

    Pennant sign: (see banner or pennant sign).

    Permanent sign: Any sign which, when installed, is intended for permanent use. For the purposes of this article, any sign with an intended use in excess of six (6) months from the date of installation shall be deemed a permanent sign.

    Pole sign: A freestanding sign erected upon a pole or poles which are visible and wholly independent of any building or other structure for support.

    Primary or principal frontage: That building frontage designated by the owner/occupant to be the primary use when the business frontage is on more than one (1) street.

    Project sign: A temporary sign relating to a project to be under construction or an intended use of the premises, upon which such sign is located, in the immediate future.

    Projecting sign: A sign attached to and supported by a building or other structure and which extends at any angle therefrom.

    Public service sign: A sign erected by a governmental authority, within or immediately adjacent to a right-of-way, relating to noncommercial issues of public concern.

    Pylon: An enclosed, tower-like structure, which is erected as an extension above or an addition to a building primarily for non-functional or decorative purposes.

    Pylon sign: A sign affixed to a pylon.

    Real estate sign: A temporary sign erected by the owner or his or her agent relating to property which is for rent, sale or lease, including signs pointing to a property which is open for inspection by a potential purchaser.

    Roof sign: A sign erected or placed over or on a roof, which is dependent upon the roof, parapet or upper walls of any building for support and which does not extend above the roof line.

    Sales office sign: A sign identifying a construction project sales office.

    Sandwich or sidewalk sign: A movable sign not permanently secured or attached to the ground or to a structure and which may have two (2) faces, usually hinged at the top.

    Sign: Every device, frame, letter, figure, graphic, character, mark, permanently fixed object, ornamentation, plane, point, design, picture, logo, stroke, stripe, symbol, trademark, reading matter or other representation for visual communication that is used for the purpose of bringing the subject thereof to the attention of others.

    Sign face: The part of a sign encompassed within a border, frame or cabinet and pertaining to a specific topic, visible from one (1) direction, that is or can be used for communication purposes, including any background material, panel, trim, color or direct or self-illumination that differentiates the sign from the building, structure, backdrop surface or other object, or other sign upon, beside, beneath, above or against which it is placed.

    Sign label: A label issued by the Code and Zoning Enforcement Division to identify a permitted sign.

    Sign width: The horizontal distance, in lineal feet, measured along the lower edge of a sign cabinet, box, frame or other surface containing a sign face.

    Sign structure: Any structure erected for the purpose of supporting a sign, including decorative cover and/or frame.

    Snipe sign: A sign of any material, including paper, cardboard, wood or metal, which is tacked, nailed, pasted, glued or otherwise affixed to a pole, tree, stake, fence, structure, building, trailer, dumpster or other object, with the message thereon not applicable to the present use of the premises upon which the sign is located.

    Strip lighting: Lighting in the form of luminous or gaseous tubes used to draw attention to a building or structure, usually outlining a building, or portion thereof, or a sign.

    Subdivision sign: A sign located at the entrance to the subdivision, neighborhood, cluster of buildings or other subdivision of real property which identifies the subdivision.

    Temporary sign: Any sign, other than a snipe sign, with an intended use of six (6) months or less.

    Traffic control sign: Any sign used to control traffic on public streets or private property.

    Trailer sign: A sign which is designed to be transported, as a trailer is transported, on its own wheels, even though the wheels of such signs may be removed and the remaining chassis placed on or attached to the ground.

    Under canopy sign: A sign permanently affixed to and suspended from the underside of a canopy or marquee.

    Vehicle sign: A sign affixed to or painted on a transportation vehicle including automobiles, trucks, boats, trailers, and campers for the purpose of identification or advertisement. Vehicle signs required by law signifying licensing information shall not be included in this definition.


    Prohibited signs. Any sign not specifically permitted is prohibited, including, but not limited to the following signs:


    Animated signs;


    Banner or pennant signs;


    Balloon signs;


    Bench signs on privately owned property;


    Flags, except as permitted by this Section;


    Pole signs, except as expressly permitted;


    Projecting signs;


    Roof signs, extending above the roof line;


    Sandwich or sidewalk signs;


    Snipe signs;


    Trailer signs; and


    Vehicle signs.


    Nonconforming signs.


    Any legally erected permanent sign, which does not conform to all of the provisions of this article may remain for five (5) years after the date such sign fails to conform to this article, or until any of the following events transpire, whichever occurs first.


    Abandonment of a sign, as defined by this Section;


    Repair or reconstruction of a sign in disrepair, regardless of the reason for the deteriorated condition of the sign;


    Relocation of any sign for any reason; or


    Expiration of any temporary sign permit.


    At the end of the five (5) year period, all signs, shall comply with the provisions of this code, including the master sign plan requirements in this Section, "Master Sign Plans."


    Nonconforming signs, may be refurbished or repaired, provided no structural alterations are involved.


    Signs or sign structures which were never lawfully permitted shall not be determined as legally nonconforming signs and shall be subject to immediate removal without the benefit of any amortization period.


    Sign permits.


    Permit applications. Sign permit applications shall comply with Section 47-22.


    Exempt signs. Permits shall not be required for the following signs, provided the sign area is six (6) square feet or less and the sign is non-illuminated:


    On-premises directional signs;


    Flags, as permitted by this Section;


    Garage sale signs;


    General information signs;


    Hanging signs;


    Interior signs;


    Model signs;


    Real estate signs; and


    Window signs.


    Permits shall not be required for the following signs:


    Holiday or seasonal signs;




    Public service signs;


    Traffic control signs; and


    Any sign on a plot, or portion of a plot, used as a farm and pertaining to farm activities.


    Maintenance and removal.


    All permitted signs and sign structures shall be maintained in good condition and not allowed to remain in a state of disrepair. Any such sign shall either be removed or repaired within thirty (30) days of notice to the sign owner and/or property owner.


    Any abandoned sign shall be removed by the sign owner or by the property owner, if the sign owner cannot be verified or located, within thirty (30) days of notice to the sign owner and/or property owner.


    General sign requirements for permanent signs.


    Changeable copy signs. Such signs shall not exceed fifty (50) percent of the maximum permitted area of a sign.


    Directional and general information signs. Such signs may be double-faced, may be monument, pole or building wall signs, shall be adjacent to paths of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and shall be no larger than six (6) square feet in sign area and four (4) feet in height, except for building wall signs which may be incorporated into the aggregate permitted sign area for such signs. Such signs may be off-premises signs, provided they are not located more than five hundred (500) feet from the facilities referenced on the sign and are not less than five hundred (500) feet apart; except that directional signs for shopping center out parcels shall not be subject to distance limitations. Off-premises directional and general information signs are subject to permit requirements.


    Illumination of signs: Where permitted, sign illumination shall be provided by one (1) of the following methods:


    Internally illuminated message. The sign face is made of an opaque material and the copy is cut out of the material and replaced with translucent material. The sign's light source is inside the sign.


    Internally illuminated sign. The sign face is made of translucent material with an internal light source.


    Back lighting. The copy is raised beyond the sign face and the lighting illuminates the copy from behind in the form of back lighting or reversed channel lighting.


    Shielded spotlight. The sign face and copy are lighted by spotlights specifically directed at it. Such spotlights shall be fully shielded so that they are not visible from streets or adjoining property and so that there is no light spillage beyond the sign face.


    Neon. The copy is conveyed through the use of neon tubing or the sign face is outlined by neon tubing.


    Landscaping. All developed nonresidential properties shall provide landscaping at the base of any freestanding sign on the plot in accordance with Section 47-39.A.13, Functional Landscaping and Xeriscaping.


    Monument signs.


    Sign structure. The supporting structure of a monument sign shall not be less in width that twenty (20) percent of the width of the sign face, inclusive of any box, cabinet or frame. The supporting structure for sign faces, inclusive of any box, cabinet or frame, which are less than nine (9) feet in width, may be less than twenty (20) percent of the width of the sign face but not less than eighteen (18) inches.


    Minimum clearance. All monument signs having a supporting structure less in width than the sign face, inclusive of any box, cabinet, border or frame, shall maintain a minimum vertical clearance of eight (8) feet, except that such signs eight (8) feet in height or less shall maintain a maximum vertical clearance of three (3) feet. Vertical clearance shall be measured from the sidewalk adjacent to the sign or, in the absence of sidewalks, measured from the crown of the right-of-way adjacent to the sign, to the bottom of the box, cabinet, border or frame of the sign face.


    Setbacks. Freestanding signs of any type shall not be subject to front yard or street side setbacks specified in any zoning district, but shall be located no closer than five (5) feet from any dedicated right-of-way or recorded road easement and shall not be closer than three (3) feet from any other privately owned property and, in nonresidential districts, not closer than twenty-five (25) feet from any residentially zoned property. Setbacks shall be measured from the edge of the sign face, cabinet, border or the outermost portion of the sign structure, whichever is closer to the plot line.


    Sight distance triangle. No sign structure of any type shall be located within twenty-five (25) feet of the intersection of any two (2) public or private streets or within an area of property on both sides of an access way or driveway formed by the intersection of each side of the access way and the public right-of-way line with both sides of the triangle being fifteen (15) feet in length from the point of intersection and the third side being a line connecting the ends of the other two (2) sides. The sign face of a monument sign may extend into the sight triangle to the minimum setback.


    Strip lighting. Strip lighting shall be permitted solely to outline a building, window or door area of commercial and industrial establishments, and shall be limited to a total footage equivalent to twice the building frontage. The size of the tubing shall not exceed forty (40) millimeters and transformers for strip lighting shall not be larger than thirty (30) milliamperes. Strip lighting shall not extend above the roof line of any building.


    Under canopy signs. Such signs shall have a minimum vertical clearance of eight (8) feet and shall not exceed six (6) square feet in sign area. Copy shall be limited to the name or the main character of the establishment the sign serves.


    Window signs. Window signs, including neon signs, shall not cover more than twenty (20) percent of any individual window or door area.


    Basic design schedule for nonresidential signs. All permitted permanent signs shall comply with the following limitations and requirements unless otherwise specified.


    Building wall signs, graphic signs, canopy signs, marquee signs, pylon signs or roof signs.


    Letters, cabinets or borders shall not exceed the height of any canopy or marquee upon which the sign is affixed;


    The maximum length shall not exceed eighty (80) percent of the building frontage; and


    The total area of any building wall sign, graphic sign, pylon sign or roof sign shall not exceed twenty (20) percent of the building frontage.


    Awning or umbrella signs. The sign copy may only be located on the portion of the awning or umbrella which is parallel to the building to which it is affixed or at a ninety (90) degree angle to the ground.


    Directory signs, fence or freestanding wall signs, freestanding signs, identification signs, monument signs, panel signs. The maximum height of all such signs shall be in accordance with the following, unless otherwise specified in Section 47-39.A.15.:

    Right-of-Way Width

    (in Feet)
    Maximum Height of Sign

    (in Feet)
    0—50 8
    51—80 10
    81—100 14
    101—120 18
    Over 120 25



    Where a sign is proposed to be erected within one hundred (100) feet of the intersection of two (2) streets where the right-of-way widths differ, and will be visible from both such streets, the maximum height of the sign shall be determined using the narrower of the two (2) rights-of-way.


    The maximum area of any such sign shall be in accordance with the following:

    Aggregate Frontage

    (in Feet)
    *Maximum Area of Sign

    (in Square Feet)
    100 feet or less 32**
    101—250 48**
    251—500 60
    501—1,000 80
    Over 1,000 feet 120


    * The maximum areas specified apply to each sign face of a double-faced sign.

    ** The maximum height of these signs shall not exceed fourteen (14) feet.


    Permitted permanent signs. Signs specified in Figure 1 in this subsection I. shall be permitted subject to limitations contained in Section 47-39.A.15. and subject to the following additional limitations and requirements:


    Multiple family residences. The following signs shall be permitted for all multiple family residences:


    Two (2) building identification signs for each building on a multiple family plot, which shall be building wall signs, monument signs or hanging signs, and which shall not exceed five (5) square feet in sign area per sign. Monument signs shall not be higher than five (5) feet;


    One (1) nameplate sign per dwelling unit, not to exceed one and one-half (1½) square feet in sign area;


    Directional and general information signs;


    Garage sale signs; and


    Building identifications may be illuminated by shielded spotlights or internal illumination.


    Freestanding schools, places of worship, community facilities, and hospitals. The following identification signs shall be permitted for freestanding schools, places of worship, community facilities, and hospitals:


    One (1) freestanding identification sign, which may be double-faced and which may be a monument sign, fence or freestanding wall sign or panel sign along the frontage. If there is frontage on more than one (1) street, one (1) sign shall be permitted along the primary or principal frontage, and one (1) additional sign shall be permitted along one (1) additional frontage, not larger than three-quarters (¾) the permissible height and one-half (½) the permissible area of the primary frontage sign. Box or cabinet signs may be internally illuminated. Painted or graphic signs may be illuminated by shielded spotlights. Individual letter signs may be illuminated either by internal illumination or by shielded spotlights;


    One (1) identification sign in the form of a building wall sign, graphic sign, canopy sign, marquee sign or pylon sign on each building frontage. Such signs may be box or cabinet or individual letter signs. Signs may be illuminated by internal illumination or shielded spotlights;


    Changeable copy signs;


    Directional and general information signs;


    Building identification signs; and


    Outdoor event signs as permitted by Chapter 15, Article V, Outdoor Event.


    Single-family residences. The following signs shall be permitted for all single-family residences:


    One (1) identification sign, not larger than three (3) square feet in area, which shall be a building wall sign, a fence or freestanding wall sign or a hanging sign;


    General information signs not exceeding a total of three (3) square feet in area for all such signs;


    Garage sale signs; and


    No sign shall be illuminated.


    Subdivision signs. Subdivision signs shall be permitted in all residential zoning districts subject to the following limitations:


    Two (2) signs shall be permitted at the primary entrance to a subdivision, neighborhood or multiple family complex, a maximum of thirty-two (32) square feet in sign area per sign and not exceeding eight (8) feet in height. One (1) additional sign shall be permitted at any other entrance, one-half (½) the permissible area and three-fourths (¾) the permissible height of a primary sign;


    Subdivision signs shall be monument signs or fence or freestanding wall signs; and


    Signs may be illuminated by any means specified in Section 47-39.A.15.G.

    Figure 1.

    Key to Zoning Districts
    RS Detached One-Family Residential District
    RM Mutiple-Family Residential Districts


    Sign Type/Function Permissibility by Zoning Category

    X = Affirmative


    C = Conditional
    Zoning Categories
    Billboard Sign
    Building Identification Sign X X
    Changeable Copy Sign X X
    Contractor Sign X X
    Directional Sign X X
    Election-related Sign X X
    Flags X X
    Garage Sale Sign C C
    General Information Sign X X
    Grand Opening Sign C
    Holiday or Seasonal Sign X X
    Logo X
    Model Sign X X
    Outdoor Event Sign C C
    Project Sign X X
    Public Service Sign X X
    Real Estate Sign X X
    Sales Office Sign X X
    Subdivision Sign X X
    Traffic Control Sign X X
    Building Wall Sign X X
    Double-faced Sign X
    Fence or Freestanding Wall Sign X X
    Freestanding Sign X X
    Graphic Sign X
    Hanging Sign X X
    Illuminated Sign X X
    Monument Sign X X
    Non-illuminated Sign X X
    Pylon Sign X
    Strip Lighting X



    Master sign plans.


    For all plots having more than two (2) tenants displaying signs, a master sign plan shall be approved by the Building Code Services Division.


    No sign permits shall be issued contrary to the master sign plan.


    The master sign plan shall meet all of the provisions of this article and shall include the following:


    An elevation plan, drawn to scale, depicting all signs placed or to be placed on the buildings on the plot;


    A site plan, drawn to scale, indicating the location of all freestanding signs erected or to be erected on the plot, including setbacks;


    A scale drawing of all freestanding signs depicting the sign type, height, dimensions and sign area, including the sign structures;


    For directory signs or other signs providing for more than one (1) tenant, the amount of sign area allocated for each tenant shall be indicated;


    The standards for letter styles, letter colors, letter heights, and background colors to be used for the various types of signs on the plot. The size and type of items of information may be varied for major or anchor tenants in a shopping center;


    The types of illumination to be used for each type of sign; and


    A statement indicating how many anchor tenants will be on the site and sign criteria for same insofar as letter styles, colors, letter heights.


    For new projects, the master sign plan shall be submitted at the time of final site plan submittal.


    For existing buildings, the property owner(s) or their agent shall submit a master sign plan which complies with all of the provisions of this article within five (5) years of the effective date of this article. If a master sign plan has not been approved within the five (5) year period, no sign permits shall be issued until such master plan has been submitted and approved.


    Once the master sign plan has been approved for a plot, the criteria shall apply to the entire plot shown on the master sign plan, as well as each individual tenant or occupant, and shall remain as long as the building(s) exist, regardless of change of ownership, management or occupancy, or until a complete new master sign plan has been submitted and approved.


    No part of an approved master sign plan may be waived by the hearing officer.


    All existing signs on the plot must conform to the master sign plan within a period of one (1) year from approval of the plan.


    Temporary signs.


    The provisions of this section shall pertain to the erection, placement, and maintenance of all temporary signs, other than those specified in Article XIII, Conditional Uses, of this Code.


    Temporary signs shall be permitted in addition to any other permitted sign on private property and shall be exempt from all other provisions of this Article, provided such signs fully comply with this section.


    The following types of signs may be erected as temporary signs:


    Contractor signs


    Election-related signs


    Model signs


    Project signs


    Real estate signs


    Sales office signs


    A permit as required in Section 47-22, shall be obtained for any temporary sign six (6) square feet or larger in size.


    Temporary signs on developed plots shall not be larger or higher than any permanent sign permitted on the premises where the sign will be located.


    Temporary signs on undeveloped plots shall not exceed the following:


    For parcels less than one (1) acre in area, a maximum of twelve (12) square feet in sign area and six (6) feet in height above the ground;


    For parcels between one (1) and ten (10) acres in area, a maximum of sixteen (16) square feet in area and six (6) feet in height above the ground; and


    For parcels over ten (10) acres in area, a maximum of twenty-four (24) [square] feet in sign area and eight (8) feet in height above the ground.


    Temporary signs shall be limited to one (1) sign of each type specified herein for each one thousand (1,000) lineal feet of street or waterway frontage of a plot, except that:


    One (1) model sign shall be permitted at the location of each model on a residential development under construction not to exceed three (3) square feet in sign area per sign and three (3) feet in height above the ground; and


    One (1) election-related sign shall be permitted for each street frontage per plot for each candidate and issue.

    Such signs may be double-faced and may be a hanging sign, a building wall sign, pole sign or window sign. All freestanding signs shall be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from any plot line.


    Where two (2) or more types of temporary signs are combined on one (1) sign face or sign structure, then the sign area may be increased by twenty (20) percent.


    No temporary sign shall be placed on public property or property owned or used by Broward County or any other governmental entity. Signs placed in violation of this provision shall be subject to removal without notice by Broward County.


    A real estate sign in a residential area may be increased in size by a maximum of fifty (50) percent of the permitted sign size to accommodate additional information and:


    May only be displayed while the premises are actually available for inspection by a prospective buyer or tenant;


    May be off-premises signs, provided they are not less than four hundred (400) feet apart, are not more than three (3) square feet in area, are not more than three (3) feet in height;


    May only be displayed on private property; and


    Information boxes shall not be considered a sign.


    All temporary signs shall be removed within ten (10) days after the conclusion of the event to which any temporary sign pertains, or the development, construction or sale of any building or property to which any temporary sign pertains, or shall be removed after the expiration of six (6) months from the erection of the sign, whichever occurs first.

(Ord. No. C-09-27, § 1, 10-20-09; C-18-05 , § 9, 3-6-18)