§ 47-39.A.10. RD-12.22 (previously known as Broward County RD-10).  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Permitted Uses. Buildings, structures, land or water in residential zoning districts may only be used for one (1) or more of the uses as designated in the following table:

    One-family detached dwelling P
    Two-family dwelling P
    Townhouse or villa P
    Multi-family dwelling (three (3) or more dwelling units) NP
    Community residential facility with adult day care permitted as an accessory use P
    Nursing home, convalescent or rehabilitation home NP
    Hotel, motel, or timeshare apt. NP
    Nonprofit neighborhood social and recreational facilities P
    Golf course P
    Places of worship P
    Family day care home P
    Home office P
    Child care facility NP
    Temporary sales offices P
    Yard sales P
    Accessory uses and structures P
    Essential services P
    Bed and breakfast NP
    Off-site parking lots P
    Outdoor event P
    Wireless communication facilities NP


(Ord. No. C-09-27, § 1, 10-20-09)