§ 47-22.2. Definitions.  

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  • A.

    For the purposes of this section, the following terms are defined as follows:


    Advertising bench : A bench, such as a bus or park bench used as a medium to display a sign as defined herein.


    Area of a freestanding sign: The area of that square or rectangle which would enclose all parts of the sign excepting the supporting columns, and strictly decorative design features or embellishment such as mansard roofs, lanterns, clocks, unless such features contain copy or logo or other advertising matter. Area of a sign shall be aggregate of both sides, unless otherwise provided herein.


    Area of a flat/wall sign: The total area of each square or rectangle which would enclose all parts of each letter, character, or logo which make up a sign as defined herein.


    Banner sign: Any sign possessing characters, letters, illustrations, or ornamentations, or designed so as to attract attention by scenic effect, with or without characters; streamers, and wind-driven whirligigs, or other devices applied to cloth, paper, fabric, or like kind of material either with or without frame and which is not of permanent construction.


    Boat dock and docking facility: A group of commercial boat docks with no support structures (excluding a ticket booth), wherein fishing boats, charter boats, boat rentals, boat dealers, yacht brokers, and other similar commercial boating operations, utilize water frontage and are supplied with common parking.


    Central beach area zoning districts: Lands zoned into the following zoning categories: Sunrise Lane Area (SLA), North Beach Residential Area (NBRA), A-1-A Beachfront Area (ABA), Planned Resort Development Area (PRD), Intracoastal Overlook Area (IOA), South Beach Hotel and Marina District (SBHMA).


    Detached or free-standing sign: A single or multifaced sign erected on one (1) or more poles which is wholly independent of any building for support.


    Directional sign: A sign within the property designed for the guidance of traffic, that is, entrance and exit signs.


    Flat sign: A sign parallel to the face of any building.


    Ground sign: A detached sign installed at ground level in low profile.


    Marquee sign: A sign attached to a marquee as is customarily used by a theater or hotel. A marquee is recognized as being an integral part of the building and of like material.


    Message center sign: An electronically controlled changeable message sign.


    Noncommercial copy: Any language, wording or expression not related to the economic interests of the speaker and its audience, such speech generally considered to be ideological, political or of a public interest nature.


    On-premise sign: A sign used to inform the general public of activities, goods, products, or services offered or rendered on the premises on which the sign is located.


    Outdoor advertising display: An off-premise, outdoor advertising sign, such sign being commonly referred to as a billboard, poster board, or outdoor advertising board.


    Outparcel sign: A ground sign referring to activities on an outparcel of a shopping center, being a separate stand-alone parcel that is located within the same larger development site boundaries of a shopping center. An outparcel is property which is planned for or contains a single building not attached to another building on the development site and shall not contain more than only one (1) tenant.


    Point of purchase sign: Any sign used for advertising a product or service offered for sale and/or delivered on the premises that is the primary purpose of the business.


    Pylon sign: Any sign structure that is an integral part of the building.


    Projecting sign: A sign projecting at any angle from an outside wall of any building.


    Roof signs: A sign erected entirely above the roof of any building.


    Scintillating sign: A sign with moving parts and/or lights, excepting message center signs. A scintillating sign shall also include a sign which has "chasing action" or "scintillating action." "Chasing action" is the action of a row of lights commonly used to create the appearance of motion, the effect of which is obtained by turning a sequence of lights off at timed intervals so that a group of shadows appear to flow in one (1) direction. "Scintillating action" is that effect which gives the appearance of twinkling lights with such lights blinking on and off in a random or patterned manner.


    Shopping center: A group of commercial establishments planned and designed with common parking and/or using a common name.


    Sidewalk or sandwich sign: Any movable sign not secured or attached to the ground or a structure.


    Sign: Any display of characters, ornamentation, letters, or other display such as, but not limited to, a symbol, logo, picture, or other device used to attract attention, or to identify, or as an advertisement, announcement, or to indicate directions, including the structure or frame used in their display.


    Snipe sign: Any sign or any material including, but not limited to, paper, paint, cardboard, plastic, wood and metal when such sign is attached in any way to trees, motor vehicles, trailers, or waterborne craft or other objects used for advertising purposes.


    Strip stores: A group of commercial establishments in single or multiple buildings utilizing common parking.


    Supergraphics sign: A design or pictorial representation that contains no lettering or business identification or logo used as a sign as defined herein.


    Under-canopy sign: A sign attached to the cantilevered portion of a building whether it be on the same plane as the roof line or not.


    Vehicle travelway: Any alley or parking space way twenty (20) feet or more in width.


    Window sign: Any sign or illustrations or symbols attached to, painted on or affixed by any method directly to the interior or exterior of the glass of any door or window, or within six (6) inches of a window.

(Ord. No. C-97-19, § 1(47-22.2), 6-18-97; Ord. No. C-10-45, § 1, 12-7-10 ; Ord. No. C-18-05 , § 9, 3-6-18)