§ 47-20.6. Design of loading zones.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A "Type I" off-street loading zone, as required in the Table of Parking and Loading Zone Requirements in this section, may be located in a drive aisle, on parking spaces which have been provided in excess of the minimum spaces required by the Table of Parking and Loading Zone Requirements, or in a specifically designated loading area. Maneuvers required to access Type I loading zones such as backing out into public rights-of-way may be permitted based on a review of existing and projected traffic and pedestrian conditions and a determination by the city engineer that functioning of the loading zone is safe. Turning geometries utilized in the design of Type I loading zone access shall be sufficient to accommodate a standard single unit truck (AASHTO "SU" Design Vehicle).


    A "Type II" off-street loading zone, as required in the Table of Parking and Loading Zone Requirements shall be a minimum twelve (12) feet by forty-five (45) feet. A Type II off-street loading zone shall only be located in a specifically designated loading area which is marked by pavement markings and signage on the site. The location of a Type II loading zone shall be drawn on the parking facility site plan. No backing into a public right-of-way shall be permitted for Type II loading zones. Access to and from Type II loading zones shall be clearly indicated on the site plan. Turning geometries utilized in the design of Type II loading zones shall be sufficient to accommodate a standard, intermediate-sized semi-trailer vehicle (AASHTO "WB-40" design vehicle).


    Type I and Type II loading zones shall have a minimum vertical clearance of fourteen (14) feet.


    Loading zones may not be placed where they obstruct required fire lanes and access to hydrants. Loading zones shall be located on a parcel in a place which insures convenient and safe entry and exit for the users of the loading zone, and the convenience and safety of pedestrians and motorists using the parcel.

(Ord. No. C-97-19, § 1(47-20.6), 6-18-97)