§ 47-19.3. Boat slips, docks, boat davits, hoists and similar mooring structures.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The following words when used in this section shall, for the purposes of this section, have the following meaning:


    Mooring device means a subset of mooring structures as defined herein including boat davits, hoists, boat lifts and similar devices that are erected on or adjacent to a seawall or dock and upon which a vessel can be moored. A mooring device does not include docks, slips, seawall or mooring pile.


    Mooring structure means a dock, slip, seawall, boat davit, hoist, boat lift, mooring pile or a similar structure attached to land more or less permanently to which a vessel can be moored.


    NGVD 29 or the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 means the vertical control datum established for vertical control surveying in the United States of America by the General Adjustment of 1929. The datum is used to measure elevation or altitude above, and depression or depth below, mean sea level (MSL).


    NAVD88 or the North American Vertical Datum means the vertical control datum of orthometric height established for vertical control surveying in the United States of America based upon the General Adjustment of the North American Datum of 1988.


    Seawall means vertical or near vertical structures placed between an upland area and a waterway. For the purposes of Section 47-19.3(f), rip rap is not considered a seawall.


    Rip rap means a foundation of unconsolidated boulders, stone, concrete or similar materials placed on or near a shoreline to mitigate wave impacts and prevent erosion.


    Boat davits, hoists and similar mooring devices may be erected on a seawall or dock subject to the following limitations on the number and location as follows:


    Except as provided herein, only one (1) mooring device per the first one hundred (100) feet of lot width or portion thereof, and one mooring device for each additional one hundred (100) feet of lot width. A second mooring device may be permitted within the lot area greater than one hundred (100) feet but less than two hundred (200) feet if approved as a Site Plan Level II permit, subject to the following criteria:


    The location of the proposed mooring device will not interfere with the view from adjacent properties to a degree greater than the intrusion already permitted as a result of the berthing of a vessel at applicant's property within the setback and extension limitations provided in the Code.


    The type of mooring device is the least intrusive and most compatible with the view from the waterway.


    No conflict with a neighboring property owner's usage of the waterway will be created as a result of the additional mooring device.

    Pursuant to Site Plan Level II review, the development review committee ("DRC") shall determine whether the proposed additional mooring device meets the criteria based on its location and the relationship of applicant's property to abutting properties with regard to height, angle of view of the device from abutting properties and the height, width and length of the mooring device proposed.

    Approval of a Site Plan Level II development permit for an additional mooring device shall not be final until thirty (30) days after preliminary DRC approval and then only if no motion is approved by the City Commission seeking to review the application pursuant to the process provided in Section 47-26. The denial of an application for an additional mooring device may be appealed to the City Commission in accordance with the provisions of Section 47-26.


    In addition to the mooring device described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, one (1) lift designed and used solely for the lifting of a personal watercraft (PWC) per development site is permitted. For purposes of this subsection (2) a PWC is as defined in F.S. Ch. 327.


    The cross section of the davit, hoist or other mooring device shall not exceed one (1) square foot and have a maximum height of six and one-half (6½) feet above lot grade.


    The lowest appendage of a vessel may not be hoisted greater than one (1) foot above a seawall cap or if no seawall, above the average grade of the upland property and properties abutting either side of the upland property, whichever is less.


    No boat slips, docks, boat davits, hoists, and similar mooring structures not including mooring or dolphin piles or a seawall, may be constructed by any owner of any lot unless a principal building exists on such lot and such lot abuts a waterway. Mooring structures, not including mooring or dolphin piles, shall not extend into the waterway more than twenty-five (25) percent of the width of the waterway or twenty-five (25) feet whichever is less as measured from the property line.


    Mooring or dolphin piles, shall not be permitted to extend more than thirty (30) percent of the width of the waterway, or twenty-five (25) feet beyond the property line, whichever is less.


    The City Commission may waive the limitations of Sections 47-19.3.(c), 47-19.3.(d) and 47-39.A.1.b.(12).(a) and 47-39.A.1.b.(12).(b) under extraordinary circumstances, provided permits from all governmental agencies, as required, are obtained after approval of the City Commission, after a public hearing and notification to property owners within three hundred (300) feet. In no event shall the extension exceed thirty (30) percent of the width of the waterway and no variance may be approved by the Board of Adjustment or other agency permitting an extension beyond the thirty percent (30%) limitation. Reflector tape shall be affixed to and continually maintained on all mooring or dolphin piles authorized under this subsection to extend beyond the limitations provided in subsection (d). The reflector tape must be formulated for marine use and be in one (1) of the following uniform colors: international orange or iridescent silver. On all such piles, the reflector tape shall be at least five (5) inches wide and within eighteen (18) inches of the top of the pile.


    The top surface of a seawall shall have a minimum elevation of 3.9 feet NAVD88 (see table). The elevation of a seawall or dock shall not exceed a maximum of the base flood elevation (BFE) as identified in the corresponding FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for the property, except as specifically set forth herein. For properties with a BFE of 4.0 feet NAVD88, the minimum seawall elevation shall meet 3.9 feet NAVD88 and the maximum seawall or dock elevation shall be 5.0 feet NAVD88. For waterfront properties with a habitable finished floor elevation of less than 3.9 feet NAVD88, a seawall may be constructed at less than the stated minimum elevation if a waiver is granted by the City Engineer. For properties within an X zone, the minimum seawall elevation shall meet 3.9 feet NAVD88 and the maximum seawall or dock elevation shall meet the definition of grade as determined by subsection 47-2.2 (g)(1)(a). The maximum height of related structures attached to a seawall shall not exceed the elevation of the seawall to which the structure is attached. In the event of a conflict between subsection 47-19.5.B.Table 1, Note G: subsection 1.a.ii. and the requirements of this section, this section shall govern. Property owners choosing to construct seawalls at less than 5.0 feet NAVD88 are strongly encouraged to have the foundation designed to accommodate a future seawall height extension up to a minimum elevation of 5.0 feet NAVD88.

    Property's FEMA
    Flood Insurance Rate Map
    Maximum Allowable
    Seawall or Dock Elevation
    In a floodplain with a base flood
    elevation greater than or
    equal to 5.0 feet NAVD88
    3.9 feet NAVD88 Base flood elevation
    of the property
    In a floodplain with a base flood
    elevation equal to
    4.0 feet NAVD88
    3.9 feet NAVD88 5 feet NAVD88
    In an X zone,
    not in a floodplain
    3.9 feet NAVD88 Meet the definition of grade
    as determined by
    Section 47-2.2(g)(1)(a)



    Seawalls must be designed and built in a substantially impermeable manner to prevent tidal waters from flowing through the seawall while still allowing for the release of hydrostatic pressure from the upland direction.


    Fixed docks may be constructed at an elevation less than the elevation of the seawall to which it is attached but shall not be constructed at an elevation more than ten (10) inches above the seawall's elevation. The dock elevation may not exceed the maximum elevation as described in subsection (f) of this section. Floating docks shall be allowed and must be permitted and permanently attached to a marginal dock, finger pier, mooring pilings, or seawall.


    Seawall improvements constituting substantial repair at the time of permit application shall meet the minimum elevation and consider the design recommendations (see subsection (f) above) for the continuous seawall for the length of the property. For the purposes of this section, the substantial repair threshold shall mean the following:


    Any improvement to the seawall of more than fifty percent (50%) of the length of the structure, which for the purposes of this section, shall include both the seawall and cap; or


    Any improvement to the seawall which results in an elevation change along more than fifty percent (50%) of the length of the structure.


    All property owners must maintain their seawalls in good repair. A seawall is presumed to be in disrepair if it allows for upland erosion, transfer of material through the seawall or allows tidal waters to flow unimpeded through the seawall to adjacent properties or public right-of-way. Property owners failing to maintain their seawalls may be cited. The owner of the property on which the seawall is constructed is required to initiate a process, including but not limited to hiring a contractor or submitting a building permit, and be able to demonstrate progress toward repairing the cited defect within sixty (60) days of receiving notice from the city and complete the repair within three hundred sixty-five (365) days of citation. If the required repair meets the substantial repair threshold, the property owner shall design, permit, and construct the seawall to meet the minimum elevation requirement and design requirement (see subsection 47-19.3(f)) within three hundred sixty-five (365) days of citation.


    Property owners with seawalls below the minimum elevation, or permeable erosion barriers such as rip rap, or a land/water interface of another nature shall not allow tidal waters entering their property to impact adjacent properties or public rights-of-way. Property owners failing to prevent tidal waters from flowing overland and leaving their property may be cited. The owner of the property is required to initiate a process, including but not limited to, hiring a contractor or submitting a building permit, and be able to demonstrate progress toward addressing the cited concern within sixty (60) days of receiving notice from the city and complete the proposed remedy within three hundred sixty-five (365) days of citation.


    No boathouse, permanent covering, or temporary covering for a boat shall be permitted within the setback area required for the zoning district in which such shelter is to be located, nor shall any boathouse, permanent covering or temporary covering for a boat, or any other structure not otherwise specifically permitted, be permitted within or cover any public waterway.


    No watercraft shall be docked or anchored adjacent to residential property in such a position that causes it to extend beyond the side setback lines required for principal buildings on such property, as extended into the waterway, or is of such length that when docked or anchored adjacent to such property, the watercraft extends beyond such side setback lines as extended into the waterway. The owner of real property which would be entitled to the density limitation of a maximum of forty (40) units per acre pursuant to the terms for habitation of floating homes or vessels, Section 47-19.6, may apply for an exception to the setback requirements contained herein. An application for such exception shall be heard by the Planning and Zoning Board (board) at a public hearing called for that purpose. After the public hearing, the board shall make a recommendation to the City Commission that the application be granted or denied, or granted subject to conditions. If the board recommends that the application be either granted or granted subject to conditions, the City Clerk shall place the recommendation on the agenda of the City Commission for a public hearing at a regular meeting. The City Commission shall, by resolution, either grant the application, deny the application, or grant the application subject to such conditions as it finds necessary to the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the city. In deciding whether to grant or deny the application, the City Commission shall consider the neighborhood within which the applicant's property lies and the effect that the exception to the setbacks would have on the following:


    The surrounding property.


    The ability of adjacent property owners to enjoy abutting waterways.


    Waiver of limitations. Property owners of lands located on the Isle of Venice and Hendricks Isle may dock or anchor watercraft adjacent to their respective properties in a manner which extends beyond side setback lines, required by this section as approved by Resolution No. 85-270.

(Ord. No. C-97-19, § 1(47-19.3), 6-18-97; Ord. No. C-04-2, § 4, 1-12-04; Ord. No. C-10-44, § 2, 12-7-10 ; Ord. No. C-13-18, § 2, 6-4-13 ; Ord. No. C-16-13 , § 1, 6-21-16; Ord. No. C-16-27 , § 1, 12-6-16)