§ 47-18.45. Single family dwelling, attached; Duplex/two (2) family dwelling.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    For the purposes of this section, a duplex shall include a building designed for and containing two (2) single family dwelling units entirely under one (1) roof that are completely separated from each other by one (1) dividing partition common to each unit and with each dwelling unit constructed on a separate lot. A two (2) family dwelling shall include a building constructed on a single lot that is designed for and contains two (2) single family dwelling units entirely under one (1) roof that are completely separated from each other by one (1) dividing partition common to each unit.


    Lot requirements. The minimum lot size for a duplex or two (2) family dwelling shall be as required by the zoning district where it is located.


    Density. The density shall be regulated by the zoning district where it is located.


    Dimensional requirements. The dimensional requirements for a duplex or two (2) family dwelling shall be listed in the table of dimensional requirement for the zoning district where it is located, unless otherwise specified in this section.


    Duplexes or two (2) family units that provide for parking or garage access at the rear of the units may reduce the front yard setback requirement to eighteen (18) feet and, where applicable, the corner yard setback to fifteen (15) feet subject to the following:


    No individual garages may face the public right-of-way.


    Duplex or two (2) family dwellings may be accessed from one (1) two-way driveway or two (2) one-way driveways.


    Design criteria. A duplex or two (2) family dwelling shall meet the following site design criteria:


    Entrance requirements. Each dwelling unit facing a public right-of-way must have its own principal entrance, visible from and facing the right-of-way, that:


    Shall have a roofed landing; and


    Shall be of architectural design and material similar to and integral with the principal structure; and


    A minimum of four (4) linear feet shall be provided between principal entrances; and


    The roofed landing may encroach into the front yard an additional three (3) feet from the building facade; and


    For individual dwelling units facing more than one (1) right-of-way, only one (1) entrance will be required.


    Vehicular access to duplex or two (2) family dwellings shall meet the following requirements:


    Each duplex or two (2) family dwelling unit shall have vehicular access to a public right-of-way, paved driveway or parking area serving the group. Private driveways shall be provided in accordance with Section 47-20.5.D.


    Duplex or two (2) family dwellings that abut a platted alley shall be encouraged to provide access exclusively from the platted alley.


    Fence and wall requirements.


    For new construction, seventy-five percent (75%) of all fencing or walls located within the front yard setback must be of non-opaque materials such as vertical bars or picket fence, and be subject to all other requirements of Section 47-19.5, Fences, Walls and Hedges.


    When parking is placed in the rear of the development site, a wall or fence shall be installed between the development site and any neighboring residential property abutting the development site subject to the requirements of Section 47-19.5, Fences, Walls and Hedges.


    Garages facing the public right-of-way shall be subject to the following criteria:


    Garages shall be limited to a width equivalent to a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of the width of the duplex or two (2) family dwelling unit. The width shall be measured as the linear dimension of the garage that is visible from the street, such as the garage door; and


    Garages shall be set back an additional two (2) feet from the furthest projection of the building to the property line. An area equivalent to the square footage of the recessed garage may be reallocated to the front facade of the building as additional square footage to the living area and may extend into the front yard up to three (3) feet into the setback.


    Driveways facing the public right-of-way shall be subject to the following criteria:


    These driveways shall have a minimum separation of eight (8) feet from the adjacent driveway within the same development for the entire length of the driveway.


    The separation of driveways can be reduced to a minimum of four (4) feet in width with the required installation of structural soil or other mitigating alternative to allow room for root development of required trees, as reviewed and approved by the city's landscaping representative.


    The area between the driveways is to be a landscaped pervious area with a minimum of one (1) canopy tree and continuous shrub planting.


    Sidewalk requirements. A duplex or two (2) family development shall provide the following:


    A minimum five (5) foot wide sidewalk along the full length of each public right-of-way excluding an alley.


    A minimum three (3) foot wide sidewalk shall connect the front entrances with the sidewalk along the right-of-way unless an alternative pedestrian access to the public sidewalk is approved by the department.


    Street tree requirements. Street trees shall be planted and maintained along the public right-of-way abutting the property to provide a canopy effect. The type of street trees may include shade, flowering and palm trees and shall be planted at a minimum height and size in accordance with the requirements of Section 47-21, Landscape and Tree Preservation Requirements. The location and number of trees shall be determined by the department based on building and site design, separation distance, utility infrastructure and the proposed plan's compatibility to surrounding properties.


    Solid waste, yard waste, and recycling requirements. Each unit shall have incorporated into the design a designated area to locate containers that meet the requirements of Chapter 24 of the city's Code of Ordinances. The size of the containers and alternatives to these requirements may be permitted subject to approval of the public works department, sanitation division.

(Ord. No. C-17-02 , § 3, 3-7-17; Ord. No. C-17-47 , § 26, 1-3-18)