§ 47-18.38. Single family dwelling: Zero-lot-line.  

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  • A.

    A zero-lot-line dwelling is a single family detached unit which, instead of being centered on the lot, has one (1) side placed on one (1) of the side lot lines in order to provide for more open space on the other side of the lot.


    Approval process. A site plan level III permit shall be required for a single family dwelling zero-lot-line in accordance with Section 47-24.2, Development Permits and Procedures.


    Site design criteria. A single family dwelling zero-lot-line, herein referred to as zero-lot-line development, shall meet the following design criteria:


    Density. The maximum number of dwelling units permitted per net acre shall be limited by the zoning district where the zero-lot-line development is located.


    Minimum lot size. The minimum lot size for each dwelling shall be four thousand (4,000) gross square feet in area.


    Minimum lot width. The minimum lot width for each dwelling site shall be forty (40) feet for interior lots and forty-five (45) feet for corner lots.


    Special yards.


    Front yards. Shall be the same as that for a single family dwelling, as required in the zoning district where the zero-lot-line dwellings are located.


    Rear yards. Shall be the same as that for a single family dwelling, as required in the zoning district where the zero-lot-line dwelling is located.


    Side yards.


    For corner lots: Shall be minimum fifteen (15) feet from the side property line.


    Side yard when abutting another zero-lot-line lot: Minimum side yard shall be zero (0) for one (1) side of the building, and ten (10) feet for the other side. In no instance shall a zero-lot-line dwelling be located closer than ten (10) feet from another building.


    Side yard when abutting a non-zero-lot-line lot: The minimum side yard shall be the same as that for a single family dwelling, as required by the zoning district where the zero-lot-line dwelling is located.


    Additional setback requirements. When any portion of a zero-lot-line structure exceeds twenty-two (22) feet in height, that portion of the structure which exceeds twenty-two (22) feet in height shall be set back a minimum of an additional one (1) foot for each foot of height above twenty-two (22) feet.


    Height. The maximum height of a zero-lot-line structure shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet. See Section 47-2, Measurements.


    Private garage. A fully enclosed garage of minimum ten (10) feet by eighteen (18) feet designed for parking at least one (1) automobile shall be required for each zero-lot-line dwelling. Vehicular access to the garage shall be from a street or driveway. No more than fifty percent (50%) of the front facade of a single-story zero-lot-line dwelling shall be used for a garage. Double car garages are permitted on two-story zero-lot-line dwellings if the total area of garage door surfaces does not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total front facade area, and if at least one (1) of the following architectural features is provided on the front facade, principal entrance, porch, or habitable balcony. In no case shall the driveway exceed twenty-two (22) feet in width.


    Zero side yard building wall requirements. The elevation of the side wall of the zero-lot-line dwelling with a zero (0) side setback shall have the following requirements:


    Only clerestory windows or similar transparent openings with a sill height of at least six (6) feet, eight (8) inches above the interior finish floor of each story are permitted. Semi-opaque glass block windows are permitted at any height. The total area of window openings shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the surface area of the wall.


    Roof overhangs may encroach up to eighteen (18) inches over a common property line, if drainage is provided to prevent runoff onto adjacent property. Any gutter or downspout is to be located within this eighteen (18) inch dimension.


    An atrium or other recessed outdoor area may be permitted along the zero-lot-line building wall when a minimum eight-foot high opaque wall is provided that entirely screens the outdoor area.


    Provisions satisfactory to the city attorney shall be made for a zero-lot-line property owner to grant a recordable easement over a three-foot area into the yard abutting the side of the structure on the lot line for use by the owner of the adjacent property for maintenance of the building.


    Landscape requirements. A single family dwelling zero-lot-line shall provide the following:


    A minimum five-foot wide sidewalk along each public street abutting the property along the full length of the property line. A minimum three-foot wide sidewalk shall be provided from each principal entrance to the public sidewalk.


    Street trees shall be planted and maintained along the public street abutting the property to provide a canopy effect. The type of street trees may include shade, flowering and palm trees and shall be planted at a minimum height and size in accordance with the requirements of Section 47-21, Landscape and Tree Preservation Requirements. The location and number of trees shall be determined by the department based on height, bulk, shadow, mass and design of the structures on the site and the proposed dwelling's compatibility to surrounding properties.


    Driveways. Driveways serving a single family dwelling zero-lot-line may be located no closer than twelve (12) inches from a side property line.


    Elevations. The architectural design of adjacent single family dwelling zero-lot-line shall provide different front elevations in terms of roof-lines and entrance design. Where more than five (5) zero-lot-line dwellings are contiguous, a minimum of three (3) different front elevation designs shall be provided.

(Ord. No. C-97-19, § 1(47-18.37), 6-18-97; Ord. No. C-17-47 , § 25, 1-3-18)