§ 47-18.28. Single family dwelling, attached: Rowhouse.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    For purposes of this section, a rowhouse development shall include a dwelling unit which is attached to other units in a row, fronting on a public street, with a front door facing and opening on to the street. Interior units shall share two (2) side walls with end units sharing only one (1) side wall and which meets the requirements of this section. A group of at least five (5) single family dwelling: rowhouse (herein referred to as rowhouse) units is a rowhouse building, and one (1) or more rowhouse buildings constitutes a rowhouse development.


    Site and design criteria for single dwelling: rowhouse. A single family dwelling, attached: rowhouse shall meet the following site and design criteria:


    Lot requirements. The minimum lot size for each rowhouse in a rowhouse development shall be two thousand (2,000) square feet, with a minimum width of twenty (20) feet. Each rowhouse lot shall front on a public street.


    Density. As regulated by the district where the rowhouse development is located.


    Access requirements. All units in a rowhouse development shall have vehicular access from a rear driveway or alley, a minimum of twenty (20) feet in width, or from the front only if provided with a garage. If rear access is provided from a private drive provisions satisfactory to the city attorney shall be made to dedicate a recordable easement over the driveways for vehicular access for residents.


    Yard/separation requirements.


    Front yard. The front yard shall be a minimum of five (5) feet and a maximum of ten (10) feet. If front garages are provided, the garage only shall be set back twenty (20) feet.


    Side yard. The side yard shall be zero (0) feet, except an end unit which shall have a minimum of five-foot setback from property lines (or ultimate right-of-way line).


    Rear yard. The rear yard shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet. If parking is provided in the rear yard, a minimum twenty-foot deep surface parking area shall be provided between the rowhouse buildings and the rear yard line.


    Separation. There shall be a minimum separation between rowhouse buildings of ten (10) feet and a maximum of twenty (20) feet along a street, unless an intervening alley or driveway requires a greater separation, in which case the maximum separation shall be fifty (50) feet in width.


    Architectural style. The rowhouse units within a rowhouse building shall be of consistent and complementary architectural design, with uniform windows, doorways, and cornices. Windows and doors shall include decorative trim, awnings, structural eyebrows, or other ornamentation. Sloping roofs or decorative parapets providing vertical interest shall be incorporated into rowhouse buildings.


    Entrance requirements. Each unit of a rowhouse building shall provide a front entrance facing a public street. Front entrances may be recessed a maximum of five (5) feet from the front building facade. Entrances shall either be recessed or be sheltered with a porch or awning.


    Minimum floor area. Each rowhouse unit shall have a minimum floor area of seven hundred fifty (750) square feet.


    Height. The maximum height shall not exceed fifty-five (55) feet.


    Fencing. Any fencing along a public right-of-way shall be a maximum of four (4) feet in height and provide a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) non-opaque materials such as vertical bars or picket fence and all other provisions of Section 47-19.5 shall apply. Fencing of side yards not facing a street, rear yards and along alleys shall be subject to the provisions for Fences, see Section 47-19.5. All other provisions regulating fencing as provided in Section 47-19, Accessory Uses, Buildings and Structures, not in conflict herewith shall apply.


    Sidewalk/street tree/open space requirements. A rowhouse development shall provide the following:


    A minimum seven-foot sidewalk along each public street abutting the property shall be provided along the front property line, with a minimum of five (5) feet clear of utility poles, street signs, or other obstructions. Rowhouses along pedestrian priority or image streets shall satisfy the sidewalk width requirements as specified in Section 47-13.20.


    Street trees shall be planted and maintained along the public street abutting the property to provide a canopy effect. The type of street trees may include shade, flowering and palm trees and shall be planted at a minimum height, size, and spacing in accordance with the requirements of Section 47-13.20.H.7. The location and type of trees shall be determined by the department based on height, bulk, shadow, mass and design of the structures on the site and the proposed plan's compatibility to surrounding properties.


    Open space and landscaping shall be as required by the district in which located.


    Parking requirements. Parking spaces for rowhouses within the RAC shall be as specified in Section 47-13.20.C. In other districts, parking shall be as provided in Section 47-20, Parking and Loading Requirements.


    Minimum/maximum unit count. There shall be a minimum of five (5) units attached in a row to constitute a rowhouse building, and a maximum of twenty (20) units attached in a row without a building separation pursuant to subsection B.4.d.

(Ord. No. C-97-19, § 1(47-18.27), 6-18-97; Ord. No. C-17-47 , § 23, 1-3-18)