§ 47-6.30. PCC-Planned Commerce Center District.

Latest version.
  • A.

    Intent and purpose. The Planned Commerce Center (PCC) District is a zoning district which may only be initiated by the owner of the property proposed to be rezoned. The use of the property is restricted to those uses applied for and approved in connection with the rezoning and the property may only be used in conformance with an approved site plan. It is the intent of this section to protect the character of existing residential neighborhoods adjacent to commercial land use areas while supporting the viability of the commercial areas which, due to unique site locational characteristics (such as access constraints and impact created by the design of the Interstate 95 highway system), are inappropriate for high traffic-generating commercial retail and service uses. The PCC district provides a carefully regulated opportunity for certain commercial uses to be placed within a commercial area in a manner compatible with the nearby residential area.


    Conditions for rezoning.


    The rezoning of property to a PCC district for a specified permitted use or uses shall meet all of the following conditions:


    The property has a commercial or industrial land use designation.


    There is a grade change between the development site and adjacent right-of-way which restricts direct access to the primary roadway.


    Any portion of the property abuts residential property or is separated by not more than a 60 foot right-of-way from residential property.


    An application which meets the requirements of subsection D is submitted by the owner of the property to be rezoned and is approved by the city commission.


    Permitted uses. The uses permitted in a PCC district shall be one or more of the uses listed in this section which are requested by the applicant to be approved in conjunction with the rezoning of the property to PCC, and shall only be permitted when conducted in accordance with an approved site plan. Uses which may be approved in connection with the establishment of PCC districts are:

    a. Boats, Watercraft and Marinas
    i. Sailmaking.
    b. Storage Facilities
    i. Self Storage Facility, see Section 47-18.29.
    ii. Warehouse Facility.
    c. Light Manufacturing, Research and Development, Wholesale Distribution Facilities
    i. Computers and Peripherals.
    ii. Contractors Yards, see Section 47-23.14.
    iii. Electronic Appliances, Devices, Fixtures, Components.
    iv. Medical Instruments, Supplies.
    v. Search and Navigation Equipment.
    vi. Research and Laboratory, Testing Facility (Medical, Educational, Scientific).
    vii. Wholesale Distribution Center.
    d. Public Purpose Facilities
    i. Active and Passive Park, see Section 47-18.44.
    e. Manufacturing/Processing of Products
    i. Apparel, Textile, Canvas and related uses.
    ii. Process and assembly of previously prepared materials.
    iii. Publishing Plant.
    f. Retail and Wholesale Sales*
    i. Antiques.
    ii. Apparel/Accessories, see Section 47-23.14.
    iii. Bakery.
    iv. Bicycle Shop.
    v. Watercraft Sales.
    vi. Marine Parts and Supplies Store.
    vii. Computers/Software.
    viii. Flooring Store.
    ix. Furniture Store, see Section 47-23.14.
    x. Hobby Items, Toys, Games, see Section 47-23.14.
    xi. Home Improvement Center, see Section 47-23.14.
    xii. Household Appliances, see Section 47-23.14.
    xiii. Lawn and Garden Supplies, Furniture, see Section 47-23.14.
    xiv. Medical Supplies, see Section 47-23.14.
    xv. Musical Instruments.
    xvi. Office Equipment, see Section 47-23.14.
    xvii. Optical Store.
    xviii. Restaurant and Hotel Equipment.
    xix. Sign.
    xx. Sporting Goods Store, see Section 47-23.14.
    xxi. Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs, Spas supplies and service.
    g. Service/Office Facilities**
    i. Auto Detailing and Alarm Systems, see Section 47-23.14.
    ii. Catering Service.
    iii. Child Day Care for employees of the PCC use only, see Section 47-18.8.
    iv. Copy Center.
    v. Dry Cleaner, see Section 47-18.19.
    vi. Film Processing.
    vii. Interior Decorator.
    viii. Janitorial Service.
    ix. Laundromat.
    x. Mail, Postage, Fax Service, see Section 47-23.14.
    xi. Medical/Dental Office, see Section 47-23.14.
    xii. Personnel Services.
    xiii. Pest Control.
    xiv. Photographic Studio.
    xv. Professional Office.
    xvi. Security Systems.
    xvii. Shoe Repair.
    xviii. Tailor, Dressmaker.
    xix. Watch and Jewelry Repair.
    h. Commercial Recreation***
    i. Bowling Alley.
    ii. Skating Centers (Ice and/or Roller Skating).
    iii. Racquet Sports Center (squash, racquetball).
    i. Urban Agriculture See Section 47-18.41.


    *Limited to showroom/warehouse only, which area shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the gross floor area per tenant, and total square footage per tenant not to exceed fifty thousand (50,000) square feet. No outdoor display or storage is permitted. Showroom/warehouse means the display or exhibition of samples of goods or merchandise adjacent to the warehouse or storage area containing goods or merchandise for sale to the general public.

    **Retail sales listed in e. above which are not a part of a showroom/warehouse; accessory restaurant/cafeteria or service/office facility uses shall each not exceed twenty percent (20%) of total gross floor area of a development. The total area for all such uses shall not exceed sixty percent (60%) of the total gross floor area.

    ***Fully enclosed within a building.




    Application. Rezoning to a Planned Commerce Center District may only be initiated by application of the owner(s) of the property proposed to be rezoned. The application shall include the following:


    All information required for an application for a site plan level IV permit pursuant to Section 47-24, Development Permits and Procedures, and for a rezoning development permit.


    Identification of the permitted use or uses proposed for the property to be rezoned.


    A general vicinity map consisting of an eight and one-half (8½) inch by 11 inch street map at a scale of not less than one inch equals 500 feet identifying the parcel proposed to be rezoned, and all lots located within a 700 foot radius of the parcel to be rezoned. The map shall show existing zoning, all residential uses and the heights of all structures in the 700 foot area.


    A site plan for the proposed use which shows how the proposed use will meet the performance criteria provided herein, including, if applicable: elevations; surrounding commercial and residential areas; location and sizes of signs; location of landscaping and other buffers in compliance with Section 47-25.3; vehicular use area; loading zones, if required; turning radii for loading zones; internal vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including driving lanes; landscape buffering required for vehicular use areas in compliance with Section. 47-21.9, and vehicular (and public transit, if provided) access and movement between the proposed parcel to be rezoned and the surrounding areas.


    All studies required to be submitted as provided in this section.


    The review process for a rezoning to PCC shall be as provided in Section 47-24.4 and shall include a site plan review as part of the rezoning review.


    Criteria. In addition to the criteria provided for a rezoning approval, the following criteria shall apply:


    The proposed site and use meet the conditions and performance criteria provided in this section.


    The height, bulk, shadow, mass and design of any structure located on the site is compatible with surrounding properties and is consistent with the goals and objectives for the location of the property as provided in the comprehensive plan.


    The city commission may include conditions on the property which are a part of the application proposed to be rezoned to PCC. All such conditions shall relate to the preservation of the character and integrity of the neighboring property and mitigate adverse impacts which arise in connection with the approval of the rezoning. Conditions for approval may relate to any aspect of the site plan including the property proposed to be rezoned and the business property, including but not limited to height, bulk, shadow, mass and design of any structure, parking, access, public transit and landscaping requirements.


    Design and performance standards for permitted uses.


    The design and performance standards shall apply to the uses identified herein and such uses shall comply with the performance standards as a condition for approval of a PCC district.




    Public transit. Where access is constrained and total trips are projected to exceed 1,000 per day for a property located along a public transit route, a bus bay shall be provided on the proposed PCC property which shall connect to the principal street fronting the property, unless a Broward County Transit approved bus bay exists along a safe pedestrian walkway within a ten minute walk of the pedestrian access to the site, or Broward County Transit either does not need the bus bay or requests transit circulation on the site itself. A safe pedestrian walkway shall connect a bus bay provided by the applicant to the main entrance of the principal structure.


    Vehicular access to a use in a PCC zoning district shall comply with Section 47-20, Parking and Loading Requirements, and any applicable FDOT requirements when in proximity to an interstate access ramp. Where access is constrained by imposition of a condition imposed in accordance with this section, a traffic study shall be required to be submitted by applicant documenting the adequacy of circulation on site and adjacent public rights-of-way to accommodate the traffic to be generated by the proposed use.


    Yards. Shall be as required in the B-3 zoning district. All other yards for a business use shall be that necessary to meet the requirements provided in Section 47-9.22.C.1.b.


    Architectural features. The façade of any side of a business use structure which is on a parcel which is abutting or separated by a right-of-way or body of water no greater than 60 feet in width from a residential property shall feature a minimum of two building mass changes, including projection, recession, building terracing or cantilevering, and shall feature multiple types and angles of roofline, canopies and/or awnings. Color and material banding compatible with the residential neighborhood shall be provided. If metal grates are featured over windows, the metal grates shall be decorative. A minimum of four of the above described architectural elements shall be included on all façades of a structure which are facing and within 200 feet of residential property. The façade treatment shall be required to continue around the corner onto the adjoining wall for a distance of20 feet.


    Height. Structures shall be limited to a height of sixty-five (65) feet.


    Landscaping and bufferyards. Landscaping and bufferyards shall be provided as necessary to make the site compatible with surrounding properties based on the height, bulk, shadow, mass and design of the structure. When a use which is subject to the requirements of this section is contiguous to any residential property, the property proposing to be rezoned to PCC shall be required to have a ten foot landscape strip area and a physical barrier consisting of either a fence or a wall between the residential property and the PCC. The landscape strip shall include trees, shrubs and ground cover as provided in the landscape provisions of Section 47-21, Landscape and Tree Preservation Requirements. Any shrub or hedge material installed on a side of the PCC property which faces residential property shall be thirty-six (36) inches at time of installation. The landscaping shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Section 47-21, Landscape and Tree Preservation Requirements and Section 47-25.3, Development Review Criteria. If the physical barrier installed is a wall, it shall incorporate decorative features on the residential side according to the requirements of Section 47-19.5 and shall be a minimum of six feet in height. If a fence is used as the physical barrier, it shall be six feet, six inches in height and shall be of opaque durable material, and constructed according to the requirements of Section 47-19.5.


    Open space. A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the development site shall be open space and used for walkways, landscaping or both. See also Section 47-21, Landscape and Tree Preservation Requirements. Vehicular use areas shall not count toward open space requirements.


    Parking. Parking space requirements shall be governed by Section 47-20, Parking and Loading Requirements.


    Signage. No signage shall be permitted on any side of a PCC property which is abutting or separated by a right-of-way or body of water no greater than sixty (60) feet in width from a residential property. On other frontages, one (1) flat or wall sign as defined by Section 47-22.2, Sign Requirements, shall be permitted per street frontage of the lot. One freestanding ground sign shall be permitted for a PCC zoned site, and ground sign dimensions shall comply with Section 47-22.3.D.1. One (1) Directory Sign may be provided near each entry point but shall be located a minimum of twenty (20) feet from the right-of-way and shall be no taller than ten (10) feet nor larger than one hundred (100) square feet. One (1) sign per tenant not exceeding twenty-four (24) inches in height, one hundred twenty (120) square feet shall be permitted. A uniform sign design plan for the development site shall be provided. No additional signage shall be permitted.


    Waterway use. When located on a waterway, a PCC use shall be required to meet the requirements of Section 47-23.8, Waterway Use.


    Screening of rooftop mechanical equipment. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be designed as an integral part of the building volume and/or adequately screened so that they are not visible from abutting residential property or public rights-of-way.


    General design and performance standards. The general design and performance standards shall apply to all of the uses permitted in an PCC district and such uses shall comply with the performance standards as a condition for approval of a rezoning to a PCC district.




    Maximum permitted level in decibels. Noise associated with a use in a PCC district shall not exceed the maximum sound levels as follows:

    Hours Maximum Permitted
    Sound Level in dBA
     7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 55 dBA
    10:00 p.m. to  7:00 a.m. 45 DBA


    No public address systems or other devices for recording or amplifying voices or music which is audible outside of the building or structure shall be permitted.


    Exemptions. The following uses and activities shall be exempt from the maximum sound levels provided above.


    Noises not under the direct control of the PCC district property user.


    Noises emanating from construction and maintenance activities between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.


    Sounds produced by emergency generating systems or emergency warning systems, such as fire and burglar alarms, sirens and the like.


    Transient noises of moving sources such as automobiles on streets, trucks, airplanes and railroads.


    Method of measurement. Noise shall be measured in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17 of Volume I of the Code.


    Pedestrian and driver safety enhancements.


    Property to be rezoned PCC which abuts a street shall provide the following off-site public improvements:


    Public transit improvements and internal pedestrian circulation plans as specified in subsection E.


    Street trees shall be planted and maintained along the street abutting the property proposed to be rezoned. The type of street trees may include shade, flowering and palm trees. The trees shall be planted at a minimum height and size in accordance with the requirements of Section 47-21, Landscape and Tree Preservation Requirements. The location and number of trees shall be determined based on the height, bulk, shadow, mass and design of the structures on the site and the proposed development's compatibility to surrounding properties and the existence of utility easements.


    Vehicular access to a PCC site shall be designed to meet all safety requirements of the city engineer and the Florida Department of Transportation needed when access is constrained due to the site's proximity to Interstate 95 or such other constraint, including, when deemed necessary for public safety, but not limited to, the installation of pedestrian signalization by the PCC property owner as a condition of approval.


    Lighting. Lighting of a parking lot or parking garage on a PCC zoned property shall comply with the requirements of Section 47-20, Parking and Loading Requirements. In addition, light fixtures shall be shielded, angled or both so that any direct or indirect light shall not cause illumination in excess of one footcandle onto any residential property which is adjacent to the PCC property. Security lighting shall be provided for structures as required as a condition of approval.


    Application of standards to proposed uses.




    In order to determine if a proposed use will comply with the required noise standards, a noise study shall be submitted of the same use at a different location, with noise levels documented as follows:


    For a two week period, on at least one peak day of use during the week and one peak day of use during the weekend, noise levels shall be documented from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., noon to 2:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., 10:00 p.m. to midnight and 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.


    If the proposed use has seasonal peak usage, noise levels for the similar use shall also be documented during the peak and off-peak seasons, for a two week period, on one peak day of use during the week and one peak day of use during the weekend, as described above.


    If the noise study indicates that a similar use exceeds the required maximum noise levels, the site plan shall reflect design features which are intended to reduce the noise levels to those required, and the noise study shall include documentation of similar uses which employed these design features to successfully reduce noise levels.


    It may be required that the noise study be reviewed by an independent consultant contracted by the city to determine whether the required noise levels will be met. The cost of review by said consultant shall be reimbursed to the city by the applicant.


    Modification of approved development plan. If the applicant wishes to change to a permitted use in the PCC district which use was not approved as part of the rezoning, a new application for rezoning must be approved in accordance with the provisions of this section. If the applicant wishes to amend a site plan previously approved as part of a rezoning to PCC, such amendment shall be done in accordance with the provisions for amending a site plan level IV permit as provided in Section 47-24.2.A.5, Development Permits and Procedures.

(Ord. No. C-99-38, § 1, 5-18-99; Ord. No. C-00-65, § 2, 11-7-00; Ord. No. C-03-19, § 2, 4-22-03; Ord. No. C-12-24, § 4, 7-10-12 ; Ord. No. C-15-36, § 2, 10-20-15 ; Ord. No. C-18-05 , § 5, 3-6-18)